Futuring Friday Festival of NewMR 2016

Lenny Murphy, Ray Poynter and guests survey the near and middle future for market research. This session will draw on the recent GRIT report as well as other leading sources and indicators as well as the panels’ extensive involvement with the future of market research...

Women and Funding Revisited with Kristin Luck

Gillian Muessig and Anne Kennedy welcome back Kristin Luck, who last year sold Decipher, a market research software firm to Focus Vision Worldwide. Kristin offers some best advice for navigating a successful course as a woman dealing with VC/PE. We learn some of what...

Driving Forward with Purpose: A Q&A with Kristin Luck

Marketing research blends its rich history of data collection with technology-driven methodologies. The ultimate industry goal? To listen and to learn; to create a ‘story’ for our consumers.  Stories create structure for understanding our world and ourselves. Kristin...